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About the Artist

About Raksha Soni

After 20 years of diligent work as a software Engineer for Siebel Systems and Oracle, Raksha Soni began an epic second act: to follow her true calling for Art. She applies the same rigor and drive to the 3 C’s that make up her life’s mission: creativity, community, and compassion.


She founded Brush & Paisley in 2017, to bring her art to new audiences. As an artist she is prolific and has had over a dozen exhibitions where she has showcased her signature style; from intricate madhubani drawings to lush, opulent landscapes that capture the nostalgia and emotion of India. Along with furthering her own journey as an artist, she teaches young kids and helps them express and harness their creativity and find their artistic voice. 


Raksha is deeply committed to several missions close to her heart and will donate a portion of the funds from the sale of her artworks for these causes. She was nominated for India New England Women of the year 2019, and was awarded Artist of the year.


In her own words

“Art is a foundational part of my life, and I try to spend my free time experimenting with it. I express my gratitude, emotions, and admiration for nature   and Mother Earth through color. My inspiration comes from the many sources: places I travel to, nature,   architecture, city life, folk art, Indian culture, and the people around me. I love to capture special moments   with various mediums. The creative process gives me tremendous joy, satisfaction, and a sense of great   accomplishment, and I hope this beautiful journey of self-discovery continues forever.” 

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